Thursday 23 August 2012

Dean says "This week at Lagganlia..."

When we first arrived at Lagganlia we explored the area around the centre with our leader, Andy. We had to walk across water and around rocks and some people fell in!  The next day I got to abseil down a cliff face! Although it was only 20 metres, I was still scared and was relieved when I reached the bottom. My favourite activity of the entire week, which we did after abseiling, was the skiing we did down the artificial ski slope. The midgies attacked us, but we fought back. On Wednesday Andy took us mountain biking and then gorge walking. On the gorge walk  we crawled up waterfalls and slid down natural waterslides. Today we climbed a mountain. It was a 10 kilometre round trip and now my legs are tired! Even though I had lots of fun here, I do miss home and can't wait to see my mum, dad and my little brother.

By: Dean Thomason

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