Thursday 23 August 2012

Mark says "I can cycle!!!"

We went on a bike ride today. I went on the tandem with Mrs Sutton. We went REALLY fast down the hills but when we went up the hills it was really slow. I  helped to get us to the top of the hills with my excellent pedalling. We had our snack in the bothy at the top of the hill and after that we came back down to Lagganlia and did some skills on the bike course.
After lunch Angus did a lesson with me on the bike to try to help me to cycle by myself and guess what???? I can ride my bike now!!! Woooohoooo.
After that I got my equipment on to climb the big tree. Lauryn got all the way to the top and rang the bell. Ding ding! Then we went to the gift shop and I bought a lizard and a ball. Pizza for tea. Yum yum!!

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