Wednesday 22 August 2012

The cold Gorge by Joe

Today i went gorge walking and i kept slipping down it. I have been covered in midgy bites and im scratching like mad! I was quite scared when doing the gorge as there were parts that looked really frightening. However I am proud of myself as I managed to get all the way to the top without any help.

Im looking forward to coming home,

Love from Joe


  1. Those midges seem to be annoying everyone, they are such a pain!!! You all seem to be achieving so much on camp....all the blogs start with 'I was nervous/scared' but finish with feeling so proud of yourselves because you have done things you didn't think you could! Keep up the fabby work, challenge yourselves and achieve things you would never thought you could achieve!


  2. All the activities look really fun and everyone seems to be having a great time in the photos.
    Well done for getting to the top of the gorge and don't scratch at the bites too much or you'll make them worse!
    We are all missing you loads and can't wait to hear all your stories!
    Mum :)
