Tuesday 21 August 2012

Scott says, "Midges love me!"

I hate midges!  They bite me all over!  But apart from that it's been fun!  In my dorm I really like it, there's nice beds and the bathroom's nice too.  I did cycling and it was really fun.  We did some obstacles.  There were ramps and a dirt track and then we went for a cycle in the woods and that's where I got all my bites from. There were loads of them, they were crawling all over me.  I am covered in bites and I look like a spotty person!  But don't worry, it's really fun!
This morning we went on a gorge walk and we went down the waterfall by sliding down on our bums and it when you're in the suit it's so tight and it's so hot but the water was VERY cold!  I'm proud that I went down in the deep parts.  I slipped when I was going up and hurt my knee cap but I still was OK and then I shot down the slide and I went right under the water but I shot back up like a rocket.

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