Wednesday 22 August 2012

Beth Williamson- "What a fantastic week so far..."

Arriving after  a four hour bus journey we were all relieved to see Lagganlia. We had lunch and then met our mentors. My mentor is Rafa and I like him. To get used to outside life we went on a walk from one side of Lagganlia to the other and Rafa strode ahead as we panted and showed how unfit us city kids are. Finally we stopped to have a seat by the River Feshie and saw another group playing in the water. Wondering why Rafa wasn't letting US play in the water he explained that our behaviour wasn't up to scratch and suggested we improved or else we would end up doing not such fun activities.

My highlights from Tuesday's activities were abseiling down a cliff - which - by the way - is really scary- and then climbing back up the cliff all the way to the top! In the afternoon my highlights from the gorge walk were the AMAAAAZZZING slides and FFFRREEEZZZING water. When I was finished my activities for the day we went back to the base camp to find out what our evening activity was going to be. We ended up doing night time orienteering which was really tricky. After that we went to our dorms and were all asleep in fifteen minutes!!

My highlights from today's all day sailing activity were managing to actually stay afloat for the first half of the lesson and then standing up and falling in on top of the boat which by the way we had to build! After sailing our night time activity was a scavenger hunt which I won along with Beth Nisbet and Jessica Lloyd achieving a "Lagganlia Champion Badge" which apparently entitles me to free fish suppers for life at any fish and chip shop in the country.

So as my title says it has been a FANTASTIC week so far!!

Beth Williamson P7B

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Beth it sounds like you are having the time of your life, I would love to have a bash at some of the activities you've been doing. Is Dean having fun? He's one of the few of you who havn't posted anything on your fabby blog! Keep having masses of fun, see you all on Friday x
