Wednesday 22 August 2012

Beth N says, "I hate horrible midges!"

Scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch!  I get bitten by midges all the time and everywhere!  Apparently my midge bites mix in with my freckles so you can't see them so much but they feel really itchy!

The cycling we did this morning was fun and hard.  It was a good challenge for me because we went round the woods and there were loads of hills we had to get up, some of them were quite big.  We were on a path.  We cycled to a beach and were were skimming stones and had our snacks there.

In the afternoon we did the gorge walk.  It was amazing!  It was really fun and you had to get up all the stones when there was a waterfall coming down into your face trying to push you away!  It was fun when you went down the slides and you made a splash at the end.  It was a challnege too because I can't swim so some of the bits were difficult.  But I did it all!  There were deep bits and I went under for a couple of seconds but I was holding onto a rope so I felt safe.

Missing you all at home!

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