Wednesday 22 August 2012

Lee on a canoe!

 On Wednesday (today) I went canoeing! It was really good!

We went to Loch Insh in the mini-bus, then we had to unload the canoes.
I helped carry the canoes, paddles and barrels to the water. We had to carefully cross the road and then carry the things down a hill. It was a bit tricky.....
We had to tie two canoes together to make a raft.
Then we got in our Canoes, I sat at the back.
 Here I am ready to go. 

Off we went, onto the loch. I was in a canoe with Miss Wilkinson, Jessica, Rowena and Louise. We had to paddle, it was good. We paddled up the loch and we saw an osprey's nest in a very tall tree. Then we paddled on a bit further, it was really windy and we kept going backwards so we had to paddle really hard.
Martin came to help us and we managed to paddle up to where the others had parked their canoes. We stopped for some lunch. YUM.

After lunch I went to join Kourtney and Eve playing in the water. I made Miss Wilkinson come with me and we both got very wet feet! I tried to push her over but she didn't fall in. Then I went and tried to skim some stones with Scott, Luke and Robert. Robert could make the stones do 4 jumps! I liked throwing big rocks into the water they made a big SPLASH!
Then it was time to get back in our canoes. This time I sat at the front and we paddled into the middle of the loch. In the middle of the loch we played a game, we had to move in our canoes without falling in the water. Miss Wilkinson and I had to swap places! It was fun and i didn't fall in! Miss Wilkinson found it a bit tricky!

Then we paddled back to our base. it was much easier to paddle back because the wind was helping us.

When we got back to the bus we had to load the canoes back onto the trailer. I helped carry lots of canoes and I collected all the straps to tie them on.
before we got back on the bus we had some time to play in the water. We were splashing each other and getting very wet. I liked going in the water and really liked splashing people.

I managed to push Miss Wilkinson over so she fell in the water, then I got Mrs Tunnah too! It was great fun!

I had a fantastic day canoeing and would like to do it again another day.

I am worn out from my adventure, very tired and looking forward to going to bed!

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