Tuesday 21 August 2012

Anthony says, "Midges hate me!"

Not many midges have bitten me so I'm glad because everyone else looks like they've got chicken pox!
The gorge walking was the best part that we've done so far.  There was a big round deep hole that we had to jump in.  It was full of water because of the waterfall.  It was so deep we couldn't touch the bottom!  Everyone jumped in, except Rafa the instructor, even Mrs Tunnah!  It was scary but I was excited because you didn't know how far you were going to go under or how long it would take to get back up.  I was brave enough to do everything!  To get there we walked through a forest and cross the waterfall and then we had to climb up the waterfall which was very slippy.  We crawled on our hands and knees which was cold.  The best part was at the end when we had a slide but also a big deep pool.  It was two in one - a slide and you were jumping in!  I splashed around a lot!
Camp is fun and exciting but I'm not sure I'm going to like all of the activities but I'll give them a shot!

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