Thursday 23 August 2012

Midge Attack

Midges are out in force!

Here at Lagganlia we have battened down the hatches and trying to take cover from the onslaught of beasties!

As we started to settle down for the evening we found several rooms had been left with lights on and windows open!! UH OH!!! many different ways have been developed for sneaking up and killing the midges that had taken up residence in the bedrooms.

Some of the children are clearly very tasty and no amount of midge repellent seems to keep them away! They are doing a fab job of not scratching but some of them may resemble dot to dots when they get home!

We have got lots more photos today but haven't managed to get them all up yet so please keep checking back for updates once were back!

We're all looking forward to coming home and seeing you all tomorrow!

Love from the Camp Team!

Andy's Group climbing a mountain on Thursday!

Yaseen says " Great Experience"

My Total experience at Lagganlia has been great!. The activity I did today was mountain climbing all day and on Wednesday we did cycling and gorge walking. It was great fun but I kept slipping on the rocks. I also did abseiling and it was hard because the rocks were not easy to grip but it was a great experience overall.

By Yaseen  :)


Kieran says "Hello!"

I have had a great time here at Lagganlia! Lagganlia has amazing scenery, the wilderness is a wicked place to spend a week in. I even saw a red squirrel!!! During my adventures this week I have taken some amazing photos. My most amazing adventure was wghen we got to climb up a fast flowing waterfall during our gorge walk. I didn't like the millions of annoying midgies though. I can't wait to get home to tell everyone about what I did this week!

By: Kieran

William says "Awesome!"

I have had a fantastic time at Lagganlia this week! My favourite part of the camp was when I went on the cycling ramp and used the mountain bike to do jumps. It was challenging, but I feel proud of myself for doing it. I did not like the midges, they were everywhere this week! I also didn't like going under the freezing water on the gorge walk. I give the entire week a 8 1/2 out of 10! Home tomorrow!!! Love you Mum.

By: William

Katelyn says "Hi!"

Today I have been cycling and I climbed the climbing tree. I have been doing a lot of interesting things, like gorge walking. I went gorge walking on Tuesday and that was the BEST. My favourite bit was sliding down the waterfalls. I have really enjoyed camp.

By: Katelyn